
Jun 15–20, 2025

Ventura, CA

Mar 18, 2025

Chicago, IL

Tan will give a talk as part of the Rising Star Lecture Series at the Simpson Querrey Institute for Epigenetics, Northwestern University.

Aug 9, 2024

Cambridge, MA

Tan will give a talk at the Milton Wexler Symposium of the Hereditary Disease Foundation (HDF).

TBD, 2024

Stanford, CA

Tan will give a talk as part of the Molecular and Cellular Physiology (MCP) Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Seminar Series, Stanford University.

May 23, 2024

Genoa, Italy

Yunji gave a talk and a poster at the Microglia in Health and Disease Workshop, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).

May 2, 2024

Stanford, CA

Yunji presented a poster at the Medical Student Research Symposium, Stanford University.

Apr 21, 2024

Cambridge, MA (Virtual)

Tan gave a keynote at the MIT-China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum (MIT-CHIEF) Annual Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mar 27, 2024

Toronto, Canada

Tan gave a talk as part of the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) Distinguished Seminar Series, University of Toronto.

Mar 26, 2024

Stanford, CA

Tan was awarded a Maximizing Innovation in Neuroscience Discovery (MIND) Prize by Pershing Square Foundation.

Mar 16, 2024

Baltimore, MD

Jay accepted an offer to pursue a PhD at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University.

Mar 1, 2024

San Diego, CA

Tan gave a talk as part of the Winter Seminar Series of the Department of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

Feb 12, 2024

Philadelphia, PA

Tan gave a talk at the Future of Biophysics Burroughs Wellcome Fund Symposium of the Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (BPS).

Jan 12, 2024

Stanford, CA

In the first lab meeting of the year, the lab (Tan, Yunji, Bibudha, Siavash, Emma, and Jay) enjoyed a belated lab birthday cake.

Jan 11, 2024

Stanford, CA

Jenny was awarded a Winston Churchill Scholarship.

Jan 11, 2024

Stanford, CA

Lucas and his team won the Sarafan ChEM-H Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Program, Stanford University.

Dec 18, 2023

Stanford, CA

Tan was awarded a Neurosciences Seed Grant by the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University, in collaboration with Xiaojing Gao.

Dec 12, 2023

San Jose, CA (Virtual)

Tan gave a webinar at Sony Biotechnology.

Dec 1, 2023

San Mateo County, CA

The lab (Tan, Lucas, Siavash, Bibudha, and Emma) celebrated the lab’s first anniversary with the lab’s first outing, including an exciting hike to the Resolution plane wreck memorial and Tafoni sandstone formation in El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve, an outdoor lab meeting presentation atop the hill, a hot pot buffet/karaoke with disco lights and “happy birthday” banner, and “Dip-ping” toes into the “C (sea)” at the Esplanade Beach.

Nov 24, 2023

Stanford, CA

The lab (Tan, Siavash, Bibudha, Emma, and Jenny) had the lab’s first Thanksgiving dinner at Tan’s house.

Nov 14, 2023

Stanford, CA

Tan was awarded an Innovation Award by the Sanofi iAwards program.

Oct 24, 2023

Vienna, Austria (Virtual)

Tan gave a talk as a part of the Interaction and Evolution of Organisms Seminar Series, University of Vienna.

Oct 20, 2023

Stanford, CA

Tan gave a talk as a part of the Growing Up in Science (GUIS) series, Stanford University.

Oct 20, 2023

Stanford, CA

Tan gave a talk at the Stanford Medicine Basic Science Faculty Retreat as part of the Basic Science Spotlights.

Sep 15, 2023

Stanford, CA

Jerry joined as the lab’s first MD/PhD student.

Sep 8, 2023

Stanford, CA

Sep 7, 2023

Stanford, CA

Jenny, Siavash, Bibudha, Cydney, and Yunji published the lab’s first paper, “Lifelong restructuring of 3D genome architecture in cerebellar granule cells,” in Science.

Aug 25, 2023

Stanford, CA

Cydney presented a poster at the Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Opportunity (NeURO) fellowship poster session.

Aug 17, 2023

Stanford, CA

Aidan gave a talk and presented a poster at the Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP) Symposium.

Aug 9, 2023

Stanford, CA

Siavash was chosen for the NeuroTech Training Program of the Center for Mind, Brain, Computation and Technology (MBCT), Stanford University.

Jul 21, 2023

Stanford, CA

The lab (Tan, Jenny, Cydney, Bibudha, Yunji, Jerry, Siavash, Deven, Lucas, Aiden, and Jay) gave short talks at the first ever Tri-lab Neuroscience Jamboree between our lab, Ritchie Chen’s lab at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), and Linlin Fan’s lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Jul 16, 2023

Hangzhou, China (Virtual)

Tan gave a talk at the 10th International Symposium on 3D Genomics, hosted by Zhejiang University.

Jul 13, 2023

Cold Spring Harbor, NY

Tan gave an evening seminar as a lecturer for the Single Cell Analysis summer course, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Jun 29, 2023

Stanford, CA

Tan was awarded a Faculty Scholarship by Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation—the lab’s first external grant.

Jun 5, 2023

Stanford, CA

Emma gave a lightening talk at the Center for Mind, Brain, Computation and Technology (MBCT) Community Science Share Out, Stanford University.

May 19, 2023

Stanford, CA

Siavash was chosen for the Molecular Pharmacology Training Program (MPTP) of Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University.

May 3, 2023

Stanford, CA

Siavash Moghadami and Emma Follman joined the lab as the lab’s first 2 PhD students.

Apr 27, 2023

Melbourne, Australia (Virtual)

Tan gave a zoom talk as part of the Genome Organisation Australia (GOA) online seminar series.

Apr 14, 2023

Stanford, CA

Tan was awarded a Uytengsu-Hamilton 22q11 Neuropsychiatry Research Award by the Stanford Maternal & Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI)—the lab’s first internal grant—in collaboration with Alex Urban.

Apr 11, 2023

Stanford, CA

Jenny was awarded a Major Grant by Stanford University.

Apr 5, 2023

Stanford, CA

Cydney was awarded a Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Opportunity (NeURO) fellowship by the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University.

Mar 31, 2023

Stanford, CA

Mar 30, 2023

Beijing, China (Virtual)

Tan was awarded Innovators Under 35 (China Region) by MIT Technology Review (interview).

Feb 25, 2023

Stanford, CA

Jenny, Siavash, Cydney, Bibudha, and Yunji posted the lab’s first preprint, “Cerebellar granule cells develop non-neuronal 3D genome architecture over the lifespan,” on bioRxiv.

Feb 4, 2023

Half Moon Bay, CA

Tan gave a talk at the Stanford Medicine Leadership Retreat as part of the Basic Science Spotlights.

Jan 31, 2023

Houston, TX (Virtual)

Tan gave a talk at the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine.

Jan 18, 2023

Ventura, CA

Tan gave a talk (Jan 18) & poster (Jan 19) at the Stochastic Physics in Biology Gordon Research Conference.

Dec 13, 2022

Carlsbad, CA (Virtual)

Tan gave a talk & live panel at the Arima Genomics Webinar: Single Cell 3D Genomics in Neuroscience and the BRAIN Initiative.

Video Recording

Dec 6, 2022

Boston, MA (Virtual)

Tan gave a talk at the Program in Quantitative Genomics, Harvard School of Public Health.

Dec 8, 2022

Stanford, CA

Bibudha received a Barres Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Barres Research Endowment.

Dec 1, 2022

Stanford, CA

The lab officially started.

Nov 18, 2022

Stanford, CA

Yunji Seo joined the lab as the lab’s first MD student.

Nov 11, 2022

San Diego, CA

Tan gave a talk (Nov 11) at the Annual Symposium of the Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS).

Jenny and Tan presented a poster (Nov 12) at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).

Jenny presented a poster (Nov 12) at the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience (FUN).

Oct 28, 2022

Pacific Grove, CA

Tan gave a talk at the Neurosciences PhD Program Retreat, Stanford University.

Oct 27, 2022

Stanford, CA

Tan gave a talk at BioE Bits and Bites, Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University.

Oct 25, 2022

Stanford, CA

Bibudha Parasar joined the lab as the lab’s first postdoctoral scholar.

Oct 14, 2022

Stanford, CA

The lab held the first lab meeting in Tan’s office.

Oct 7, 2022

Philadelphia, PA

Tan gave a talk at the Future Leaders in Biochemistry and Biophysics Symposium, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania.

Oct 6, 2022

Stanford, CA

Jenny published the lab’s first Review paper, “Every gene everywhere all at once: High-precision measurement of 3D chromosome architecture with single-cell Hi-C,” in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.


Aug 26, 2022

Stanford, CA

Cydney Pearl Wright joined the lab as an undergraduate student.

Aug 26, 2022

Stanford, CA

Tan presented a poster at the Bio-X Interdisciplinary Initiatives Seed Grants Program Symposium and Poster Session, Stanford University.

May 31, 2022

Stanford, CA

Tan gave a talk at the Department of Bioengineering Spring Retreat, Stanford University.

May 23, 2022

Santa Cruz, CA

Tan presented a poster at the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute Retreat, Stanford University.

April 21, 2022

Stanford, CA

Tan accepted an offer from the Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University to (unofficially) start the lab with:

Jenny Shi, the lab’s first undergraduate student

Francesca Kim, the lab’s first master’s student